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Mindfulness and Beauty- yes, they really can go hand in hand!

Who here loves a good pamper session? (I sincerely hope i am not the only one sitting here with my hand up!) I think it is safe to say that most people have some sort of self care activity that they enjoy, be that having their nails/hair/eyelashes done, getting a massage/facial, having a long bubble bath or even exercising/meditation. I personally love all of those things, but do we all make time for self care as much as we should? In most cases, that is a resounding no!

And that's normal. Life is busy. We have work, families/children, social events, holidays, school/college/university, household chores and it can often feel like grabbing 2 minutes to yourself is impossible! However, self care is so important for your overall wellbeing.

Mindfulness is one way in which we can take 2 minutes, as it can be done absolutely anywhere. Mindfulness is basically concentrating on the here and now, taking time to be present in the moment and appreciating the little things in life. It can be done in bed, in the shower, in the car (as a passenger, of course!)/public transport or just sitting on the sofa. However, one time i like to do it is during my night time beauty regime.

A lot of brands are picking up on this new mindfulness 'trend' that has seriously gathered momentum over the last 12 months, and as such, are bringing out products designed to help relax and rejuvenate you, as well as revive and exhilarate you.

Here are some tips and product recommendations for you to help you incorporate mindfulness into your beauty regime:

If you can, take a few extra minutes in the shower or bath to use a bodywash containing calming and stress relieving aromas. Rituals are a brand that really encapsulates mindfulness to me, and their Ritual of Dao range (which i have tried loads of and adore!) contains white lotus, known for its relaxing properties, as well as Yi Yi Ren, which helps to nourish your whole body.

This Works are another company who have jumped on the Mindfulness train, with their Deep Sleep range, including the amazing pillow spray, which is another product i have used personally. It contains lavender, possibly the most famous ingredient for helping you drift off to sleep. Simply spray on your pillow, take five deep breaths and you will be off to the land of nod before you know it!

One of the most common times for me to do my mindfulness practice is during my skin care routine. I love using oils on my face, as i find they really help to nourish my skin, and many of these oils contain aromatherapeutic properties, such as the inclusion of essential oils. By massaging oils into your face, you help them to absorb quicker, whilst also showing your facial muscles some much needed love and attention! I highly recommend The Ilex Wood, Moksa, The Ordinary, Myroo and ESPA facial oils.

Calming Balms are also making an appearance in many a beauty cabinet, as they are easy to apply and carry around. By applying them to your pulse points, you can get an uplifting, or calming waft of scent just when you need it! Therapie do an amazing one!

Even the simple act of lighting a candle whilst you are in the bath can have calming and mindful properties, especially when the scent transports you to somewhere different! Celtic Herbal and Noom both do amazing candles, with the latter boasting wax that can also be used as a massage oil!

Those who know me, know i love face masks. For me, they are the one thing i love to use when i really want to pamper myself. Sheet masks are my current go to, especially Korean beauty brands. However, the simple act of putting on a face mask and relaxing for 10 minutes can really help you feel calmer and less stressed. Space Masks also offer an amazing self heating eye mask that really does send you off to sleep!

Body scrub, body washes and lotions, especially with matching scents, can really be a pampering experience, even if short on time in the shower! Greenfrog Botanic, Urban Veda, Pure Purpose and Anatomicals do some amazing scents and by combining products from the same range, you really are getting maximum benefit!

Lastly, let's not forget our hair! I find having my hair played with really relaxing, and i try to take good care of it. Evolve organic beauty do an amazing serum for the hair, whilst Valquer have easily my favourite hair mask ever in their range!

Remember that taking time out for yourself is something you should never feel guilty for. Having a good old pamper session with your favourite products, and some new ones too, can really restore your sense of calm and wellbeing, helping you to get back to life with more compassion for yourself and those around you. Focusing on the scents of the products, how they look and what they feel like when you use them all adds to the experience and allows you to do things more mindfully!

Feel free to let me know in the comments below what your favourite pamper product is, or what you do to make mindfulness a part of your day!

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