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Witch Casket February 2024 review- Love Charms

First of all, I want to start by apologising for the delay in getting this post uploaded- I have been moving house and as you can imagine, that has been a stressful and timely process. I am all moved in now and even though there is still some unpacking to do, I have found some time to write up this review of February's Witch Casket!

Witch Casket is a witchcraft subscription box curated by witches, for witches. Each month, caskets include at least 8 witch casket exclusives that are not available anywhere else. Their vegan-friendly witchcraft subscription boxes contain a minimum £50 value and will include items such as Spells, Crystals, Incense, Prints, Altar ware, Jewellery, and ‘Casket Only’ exclusives, every month! All spells and rituals are created by Witch Casket's co-founder, Deb, an experienced practicing witch, exclusively for Witch Casket, the magickal monthly witch subscription box!

The theme for February was 'Love Charms', helping you to attract the kind of love or friendships you desire.

I unboxed this on my YouTube channel as always, and you can watch that here:

As the items are exclusive to Witch Casket, there won't be any RRP's listed.

Let's take a closer look at the items then shall we?

First up was the 'Til Death do us Part' Art Print. They include an art print every month. Use the reverse of this art print to note down your manifestations for the month and afterwards, you have a magickal piece of art to display in your home or your Book of Shadows. Designed by their in house designer Faye. I love the print, and the manifestations on the back. I have recently started getting into the idea of manifestation and the law of attraction etc and this is a great starting point.

Next up was the 'Plants and Crystals for Love Spells' Parchment Scroll. This month's scroll is inscribed with information on the plants and crystals you can use for the different kinds of love you'd like to attract. This information can be copied to your book of spells or you can simply place the sheet inside your spell book. Framed, these scrolls can also add splendour to the walls of your home. I love the ideas- they are so simple to implement!

Up next was the Love Spells Enamel Pin. An enchanting book of love spells! Something else that is included every month- with a different design, which will add magick to any jacket or bag, or enhance any wall display.

They also include a crystal/tumble stone every month and this month was the Rose Quartz Tumbled Stone. The archetypal love stone. Carry this gentle, loving stone to attract love of all kinds. Rose Quartz can also help to restore trust and harmony in relationships and heal the heart from past experiences.

Up next is the Loving Vibration Incense. A loving blend of Lemon Balm and Rose, light the incense and affirm: 'I ask the elements of air and fire, to carry with them my desire, loving energy from this smoke, surrounding me like a cloak.' All of the incense I have received previously has smelt amazing and this is no different. Incense is another item that is included each month.

The next item was the 'Open your Heart' Bath Ritual Kit. This mysterious envelope contains all you need to prepare your heart to receive the love you deserve. It holds Rose Petals, Lemon Balm, Pink Tealight Candle, Bath Pouch and full instructions. I've really enjoyed the previous ritual kits and I am expecting this one to be no different- they are so much fun, very empowering and healing too.

Up next we have the Bewitching Black Rose Pendant. Roses are synonymous with love and happiness and the black is for protection! Use this pendant as a magickal talisman to protect your heart and happiness and attract love and joy. This is also nickel free. A stunning necklace that comes in a black pouch, it is unlike anything else I own!

Another stunning item is the Loving Home Hanging Charm. Fill this enchanting heart with the included Marshmallow Root (for love and attraction) and the Pink Rhodonite Chips (to open the door to love). Do so with the intent to attract the kind of love you desire. You can also add in any notes, amulets or talismans that feel right to you and then hang near the door or window of your home as a charm to welcome love. I adore this, it is just gorgeous and the craftsmanship is reflected in the quality. A unique piece that I cannot wait to display.

Now we have the Love Salts, a magickal salt blend containing 100% Jasmine Oil and Chamomile Flowers. A time tested salt from Deb's family Book of Shadows. This is a multi use salt to use in spells and rituals to attract love. You can stir clockwise into your bathtub, use as a foot soak, Add to warm water to use as a floor/door wash/doorstep scrub or use as boundary salts. I love how you can use these for multiple things and how creative you can get with them in spells and rituals. The bottle is a generous size and will be good for multiple uses.

Next up, there was The Loving Oracle, a magickal card deck to give insight into friendships, romance and matters of the heart. Shuffle the deck whilst thinking of your question, the pull a card for guidance. I adore oracle cards and have a few decks now but these are totally different to any I own. I'm not going to complain about having another deck though!

Finally, we have the Love Potion Bottle. Use this enchanting bottle to hold your magickal love potions, oils, brews, tinctures or elixirs. Isn't this just beautiful? The shape, the design, the colour- all of it! Love!

So that is everything in the box- impressive right? I love absolutely everything inside to help me on my spiritual journey. I am quite a spiritual person and practice meditation, breathwork, yoga, gratitudes etc as part of my healing and growth journey but I am new to the world of spells, witchcraft/magic and manifestations, making this box a perfect place to start, learn something new and introduce new practices and wisdom. It is also perfect for those who are versed in these practices too. The prices are as follows:

  • UK subscribers- £29 per month.

  • EU subscribers- £34 per month.

  • Rest of the World subscribers- £36 per month.

Prices include shipping and caskets ship from the 14th-17th of each month. If you subscribe after the 14th of the month, you will receive caskets from the following month onwards.

My experience of Witch Casket so far is a very positive one and I will certainly be keeping my subscription for next month- I have already seen a spoiler too-Witch 'Craft'! Hopefully something to help us get creative- I cannot wait already!

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