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Brand Focus- Conscious Skincare.

First off, let me just start by saying a huge thank you to Rebecca over at Conscious Skincare for sending me this amazing product out to me to review. I have used this brand before- thanks to The Natural Beauty Box for introducing me to them- so I was so excited when they agreed to work with me!

Conscious Skincare's philosophy is to make natural and organic skincare with a clean conscience. It was created by Rebecca in an attempt to help her extremely dry skin, as no products she tried were helping. She was inspired to create her own range of high quality, organic skincare with an ethical philosophy, from the sourcing of the ingredients to the packaging used! That really resonates with me, as I only use natural products and am also making a conscious effort to be more ethical and environmentally friendly in the products that I buy.

The brand has been recognised in the natural and organic marketplace, as well as being accredited by the Vegetarian Society, PETA and Cruelty Free International. They have also worked closely with The Royal Ballet in London, designing an exclusive range for them in 2014- what an amazing collaboration!

So, onto the product review then! The product Rebecca very kindly sent me was their Cold Pressed Abyssinian Oil. I love skin oils, and have a good collection building up, so I was really excited to give this a good go!

One thing that struck me straight away was the packaging- no plastic in sight! I also love the branding and log0- very simple, classic and fitting with the brand itself!

This oil is very strong smelling- not overpowering though, and it smells lovely, so I am not complaining!

On application, I loved how it felt smooth and light to apply- none of that greasy after feel you can sometimes get with oils- and it left my skin soft and delicately scented for hours afterwards! I love how every product has as short an ingredient list as possible, and that every ingredient serves a useful purpose! How many products do you currently have on your shelf with ingredients lists longer than your arm, and some you can't even pronounce?

There is none of that here- everything that is included is there for a reason!

Abyssinian Oil is a newcomer to the world of skincare, but it seems to have a whole host of benefits for the skin, such as:

1. Moisturisation properties for soft, supple, wrinkle free skin!

2. Forms an effective barrier to prevent dry skin!

3. Gives your skin a more youthful appearance, adding lustre to dull and lifeless skin!

4. Can be used on the hair or skin, to boost condition, due to the high percentage of Omega 9 found in it!

5. Protects hair from the elements and helps with detangling.

It comes in a 50ml size, which is perfect for your bag, gym bag, keeping at work or for a luxurious pre bath/shower treat at home, or a 100ml size, both with or without a pump style dispenser.

I am so impressed with this product, as I have been with every other product of theirs I have tried! If you want to check them out for yourself, here is the link to the website.

Thank you once again to Rebecca for being so kind and sending me out some of your gorgeous oil to try! It has been a pleasure!

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