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Mindful Souls review- January 2024

Happy New Year! How is it 2024 already?! I hope this year brings you all everything you have been manifesting and more!

Speaking of manifesting, that leads me nicely on to the review today- it's a new box for me! Mindful Souls is a monthly box full of crystals, aromatherapy and other self love tools delivered right to your door! Every month, you will receive 6-8 mindful tools worth at least £100. You'll receive a variation of crystals, gem jewellery, aromatherapy, talismans, natural beauty products, affirmations, information guides and mystery items. Basically, everything you need to be more mindful and self loving.

At Mindful Souls, they believe that mindfulness is the key to self love and so they want to help you become a better version of yourself- happier, healthier and more fulfilled. At the core of what they do lies a very simple truth- by showing yourself the love you deserve, you're teaching the rest of the world how to love you. As someone who has been on a self love journey, I can absolutely get behind this!

As always, I unboxed this over on my YouTube channel and you can check that out here:

So lets get on to the contents. There will be no RRP's as all items are exclusive to the box.

There was an introductory offer when I signed up to get your first box half price (more on the prices later) and a free gift, which was this stunning Black Obsidian Necklace. Black obsidian is known as a protection stone. It has been used since ancient times to ward off darker energies and provide spiritual protection. It works with your body to create an energy shield that helps protect you from negative influences.

The healing properties hold great power for those who are seeking transformation and self-growth. Its dark hue reflects its ability to help you move through difficult emotions, allowing for a deeper healing processes to take place.

This box also came with a sticker of their logo and an affirmation card, which I have displayed on my fridge. The affirmation is one for Creativity 'My unique and creative talents and abilities flow through me' and can be spoken, meditated on or read every day to bring in your creative energy and power.

Onto the 6 box items then! The first was some Rosemary Essential Oil. Considered sacred, Rosemary is one of the most powerful herbs and essential oils on the planet. Native to the Mediterranean, the wooded evergreen has been used in folk medicine for thousands of years to improve memory, soothe digestive uses and relieve muscle aches and pains. It is also known for it's anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties.

I have a decent collection of essential oils building but I didn't have Rosemary, so I am very pleased to add this to the stash!

Next up was the White Turquoise and Lava Stone Bracelet. Turquoise has long been considered a master healer said to assist the absorption of nutrients while strengthening the immune system and stimulating tissue regeneration. Black Lava Bead is an igneous volcanic rock that is basically molten lava that has solidified under intense pressure and heat. It is a stone of strength, fire, passion and courage that brings stability throughout changes in your life. It helps you to harness the power of the fire within. Lava beads are porous and can even absorb the oil of your choice- like the Rosemary oil above! I also love the elephant charm too, a sign of wisdom of course!

Moving on, we have a gorgeous Dream Catcher keyring. Dream Catchers originated with the Ojibwe people- a group of natives in North America. It was said that dream catchers caught any harm that might be in the air. As a spiders web, it catches and holds whatever comes in contact with it. So hang it, wear it, attach it to your keys- dream catchers will bring positivity and peace to your mind and life.

I love the vibrant colours of this one, and have attached it to my keys so I will never lose them again!

Up next there was the Pendulum Amethyst Necklace. Amethyst is one of the most spiritual stones, promoting love and encouraging selflessness and spiritual wisdom. Mentally, it helps you feel less scattered, more focused and in control of your faculties. Tap into the energy of the amethyst to fuel your determination with inspiration. Remind yourself that you can achieve anything you set out to achieve with the help and clarity of amethyst. Make tuning into the energy of amethyst the first of many healthy choices in your life.

I have always felt quite connected to amethyst as it is my birthstone, so I have quite a few of these gorgeous crystals already. I would never turn down another though, and as this one is on a necklace, I can take it with me much easier. It can also be used as a pendulum, however I do have a pendulum already so I think I will stick to using this as a necklace.

Final 2 items now and first up was the Rose Quartz Pointer Crystal. The stone of the heart, a crystal of unconditional love and infinite peace. It is the most important crystal for the heart and heart chakra, teaching the true essence of love. It purifies and opens the heart at all levels and brings deep inner healing and self love. It is calming, reassuring and excellent for use in trauma or crisis. Rose Quartz gently draws off negative energy and replaces it with loving vibes.

I think this is my first Rose Quartz, if you can believe it, and what a stunning introduction it is! I have an Amethyst one of these and absolutely love it, so I am glad to have a Rose Quartz version!

Finally, we have the Serenity Buddha Figurine. This figurine is for people who are either looking for peace and calm in their lives or for those who wish to improve their own meditation skills. This silhouette of the figurine is shaped more or less like a triangle, which represents stability, A buddha is one who has attained Bodhi and by Bodhi, we mean wisdom, an ideal state of intellectual and ethical perfection which can be achieved through purely human means. The term Buddha literally means enlightened one, a knower.

I love this little guy, he will be accompanying me during my meditation sessions from now on!

So you've seen what's inside, now let's look at the prices!

Pretty simple pricing structure to be fair, it costs £39.99 per month, however they usually have introductory offers on your first box. I paid £19.99 for mine, plus the free gift of the Black Obsidian Necklace, so a great deal!

Your first box is dispatched immediately and usually arrives within 2-6 days. All following boxes ship on the 7th of the month.

So there we have it, my first Mindful Souls box. I had been eyeing them up for a while and finally took the plunge to buy- I wasn't disappointed. I have been on a spiritual journey for about 18 months now so anything that can support and help me with that is always very gratefully received and I love every item. I will get use out of everything and look forward to incorporating them into my practices. I have unsubscribed for now, but I will definitely keep an eye on this one!

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